<template> <ul class = "prolist"> <!-- //产品 --> <!-- :to = "/detail/item.id" --> <!-- 声明式跳转 :to = "{ name: 'detail',params: { id: item.id } }" --> <!-- <router-link :to = "{ name: 'detail',params: { id: item.id } }" tag = "li" class = "proitem" v-for="(item,index) of iss" :key='index'> <div class = "itemimg"> <img :src="item.images.small" :alt="item.alt"> </div> <div class = "iteminfo"> <h3>{{ item.title }}</h3> <div class = "directors"> <span v-for="(itm,idx) of item.directors" :key="idx"> {{ itm.name }}/ </span> </div> <Rating :rating='(item.rating.average / 2).toFixed(1)' /> </div> </router-link> --> <!-- 编程式跳转 --> <!-- @click="godetail(item.id) --> <li class = "proitem" v-for="(item,index) of iss" @click="goDetail(item.id)" :key='index'> <div class = "itemimg"> <img :src="item.images.small" :alt="item.alt"> </div> <div class = "iteminfo"> <h3>{{ item.title }}</h3> <div class = "directors"> 导演:<span v-for="(itm,idx) of item.directors" :key="idx"> {{ itm.name }}/ </span> </div> <div class = "casts"> 演员:<span v-for="(itm,idx) of item.casts" :key="idx"> {{ itm.name }}/ </span> </div> <Rating :rating="(item.rating.average / 2).toFixed(1)"/> </div> </li> </ul> </template> <script> import Rating from '@/components/common/Rating' export default { methods: { goDetail (id) { // console.log(this.$router) // this.$router.push('/detail/' + id) //id由函数获得 // this.$router.push({ name: 'detail', params: { id: id } }) // 另一种方法 this.$router.push({ path: '/detail/' + id }) // 另一种方法 } }, props: ['iss'], components: { Rating } } </script> router.js: { // path: '/detail', path: '/detail/:id', // 详情需要配一个id,获取遍历 name: 'detail', component: () => import('./views/detail/index.vue') },
ps:下面看下vue 编程式js跳转路由
<template> <!-- 所有的内容要被根节点包含起来 --> <div id="home"> 我是首页组件 <button @click="goNews()">通过js跳转到新闻页面</button> </div> </template> <script> export default{ data(){ return { msg:'我是一个home组件' } }, methods:{ goNews(){ // 注意:官方文档写错了 //第一种跳转方式 // this.$router.push({ path: 'news' }) // this.$router.push({ path: '/content/495' }); //另一种跳转方式 // { path: '/news', component: News,name:'news' }, // router.push({ name: 'news', params: { userId: 123 }}) this.$router.push({ name: 'news'}) } } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> </style>